Tempted to skip your nighttime skincare routine?
When it comes to the holiday frenzy, every minute counts. At the end of a long, cold day you may be tempted to skip your nighttime skincare routine and fall straight into bed. When you do… you are missing out on the most valuable skin recovery and repair time. When you sleep, the processes in your body slow down and this is when your skin is most receptive to treatment. Our advice is to be efficient.
Skip the products and devices that are especially time consuming and seek alternatives with the best return on your time investment. We recommend a mild exfoliant cleanser followed by the application of a therapeutic toner. After these two quick steps, use a topical treatment for collagen regeneration … this should not take more than a minute … and ending with the application of a night cream.
The three minutes you spend will pay dividends when you awake looking well rested and youthful. -Derm RF
Contact me for more information – debi@skincarepartners.com
Or visit www.Skincareparters.com