by Debi G | Jun 6, 2011

Let’s talk about your skin. Medically known as melanocytic nevi, moles are small dark spots on your skin that appear predominately during the first 20 years of life. Hormones, sun exposure and genetics are all factors in the number, location and type of moles we each get.
Moles on their own aren’t necessarily dangerous; however, UV exposure can trigger malignant transformations, causing moles to become cancerous. The good news is that if caught early, melanoma is nearly 100% treatable. The best way to catch your moles before it’s too late is to map them.
Every year on your birthday, I recommend getting in your birthday suit and taking full body pictures. Compare them year after year, carefully checking for the ABCDE’s of melanoma.
A—Asymmetry: the spot isn’t symmetrical and may have an odd shape
B—Border: look for a border that isn’t sharp or defined
C—Color: the color is not uniform and may have different shades of red, brown or black
D—Diameter: the spot is the size of a pencil eraser or larger
E—Evolution: the spot is changing in size and/or shape
This may seem like a lot of work, but at the end of the day you are responsible for your health and well-being. Just like with breast cancer, most melanoma cases are self-diagnosed and not found in your annual exam. If you want a derm’s attention on your moles, make an appointment specifically for a mole evaluation. There’s not much money in mole checks … so while a great derm will make time for it, others will opt for more lucrative procedures like botox. And if you don’t feel your derm is taking your moles seriously, find a new one. There are countless great dermatologists out there who care about the health of their patients. ~Dr. Kathy Fields
by Debi G | Jun 3, 2011
Network Marketing is being taught in more than 200 colleges including Harvard Business School. After extensive research into the network marketing industry, Harvard Business School developed three criteria that a network marketing company must meet in order to make it a most desirable opportunity.
They are:
1. The company should be at least 18 months old, as 90% of all network marketing companies that fail do so in the first 18 months.
(We are 3 years old)
2. The company should have a product which is unique and highly consumable. Unique in this case means that you have an exclusive product that can only be purchased from your company’s distributors. Having a product that is highly consumable means repeated sales, thereby guaranteeing customers loyalty versus a one time sale and having to locate new customers.
(ours is consumable)
3. It needs to be a “ground floor” opportunity. Harvard Business School suggests that in order for the opportunity to qualify as “ground floor” the number of existing active distributors should be less than ½ of 1% of the population (300 million in the United States) in the country where this network marketing company exists. In the United States this figure is equal to 1.5 million people. Harvard Business School also stated that if there were less than 500,000 people involved, you would be on the cutting edge of a great opportunity. If the company has less than 100,000 distributors, Harvard Business School considers it to be a once in a lifetime opportunity.
(Rodan +Fields has 10,000)
Pease contact me for more information.
by Debi G | Jun 2, 2011
A new all expense paid trip to Playa Del Carmen and thousands of dollars ($17,000) in SIZZLING SUMMERTIME BONUSES launched by my company,
Rodan + Fields.
Anyone care to join me in the best business in the world?
No experience necessary.
I will train motivated individuals.
The sooner you join the more time you have to participate in the bonus money. – Message me today!