“What Do The Proactiv Doctors Know That Other Skincare Companies Don’t?”
Proactiv is a sister company, totally separate from ours. Same founding doctors, new skincare line.
Our products are only available through a consultant such as myself. We used to be in the high end retail stores, were the #1 brand at Nordstroms, but the doctors wanted to help people create personal wealth, not share the profits with the retailer. They realized that there is power in word of mouth networking to distribute the product…and they were right. We’re already outselling the retail sales in just 2.5 years in the direct sales channel. Smart move. Their ultimate goal is to create more millionaires than Mary Kay, without the need for the distributor to carry or ship the product and with their skincare line that emphasizes continuous groundbreaking technology in the sun damage and aging arenas.
We just tell others about it after seeing the results on our own skin. Like sharing a good movie with others!