by Debi G | Aug 30, 2011
Breakouts are big-time bummers. It never fails … big night, bad skin. The prom, weddings, anniversary celebrations, hot dates — all reasons for acne to launch a full-on war (or a complete sneak attack!) on that pretty face of yours.
What you should know about that pimple is that spot treating makes as much sense as brushing only the tooth with the cavity while ignoring the rest of your mouth. For a long-term solution, you must treat your entire face to stop the process that is happening deep inside your skin’s thousands of pores. The acne cycle actually starts two to three weeks before you ever see a blemish, which is why spot treating a pimple that’s already surfaced doesn’t work … you’re only addressing the end of the cycle, not the root cause.
Remember, pimples are just the ultimate manifestation of a complex and ongoing process triggered and exacerbated by multiple factors such as hormones, stress, high glycemic diets, clogged pores and bacteria, so taking a multi-pronged approach daily is essential to getting and keeping your acne under control.
Try Unblemish… your long-term treatment that works! or call me at 615-332-9995
by Debi G | Aug 23, 2011
Think you’ve outgrown your acne? Think again. Many make the mistake of thinking they’ve been cured of their acne and no longer need an acne regimen when actually their skin is under control because of the regimen they’ve been using. The truth is, acne is not a curable condition, but it is preventable with consistent care. Acne is also cyclical and can fluctuate depending on stress, hormones, environment and lifestyle. Teens tend to have acne for six to seven years while the average adult woman can suffer from acne for up to 20 years.
Ultimately, what keeps skin acne-free is consistent and continuous adherence to a skincare regimen designed to prevent, treat, and diminish the appearance of acne. And trust us, if your skin is looking clear, it’s because the medicines are working. So stick with it!
For more information, please visit or email me at
by Debi G | Aug 18, 2011
Just got a note saying…”We are in New York City this week meeting with top beauty editors about the newest additions to our product family, coming to you exclusively at Convention 2011 in San Francisco.”
I can’t wait to see what they have patented/improved/invented that will have the Health and Beauty Editors raving! Stay tuned for more…
by Debi G | Aug 17, 2011
Hot off the presses! Our AMP MD featured in the “Does it really work?” section of September’s InStyle. Result…yes it does! 🙂
For more information, contact me at