by Debi G | Oct 31, 2011

Breaking the Sound Barrier
Not many of you know that six years ago I moved to Nashville with no job, no friends, and no income. Because of where I’ve come from and what I’ve been able to accomplish, it’s my turn to give back. My heart is to help men and women transition through their life challenges and to help those who are stuck and grounded on their ‘life runways’ to become airborn again.
My mission is to inspire and help people develop the skills they need to be more than they have ever been before, and to be the masters of their own financial economy. I want to help those who are hungry for change and who yearn to fly through and break their own sound barriers.
Rodan+Fields Dermatologists is my vehicle for doing just that and it is a business model not to be taken lightly. R+F is a perfect plan B in the storm of economic uncertainty. When I got laid off, it quickly became my plan A. Like me, without the need for accountants, attorneys, bankers, loans, and lines of credit, you too can buy into this business with nothing more than a credit card!
The decision to partner with the Doctors has changed my life for the better, inside and out! I love what I do!
You’re not getting any younger. If you are ready for a change you know what to do next!
by Debi G | Oct 27, 2011
Everyday, I talk to people with skin issues and they think their only option is surgery!
*“Any time you tamper with the body’s balance, you risk creating new problem areas.” A tummy tuck can make thighs look disproportionate, and plumper lips could make a normal-sized nose appear obtrusive.” Frederick M. Barr – Palm Beach Plastic Surgery
If you had the option of a more affordable, totally non-invasive, in-home dermatologic skincare whose results match that of Botox and Restova, wouldn’t you want to know more about it?
Mary tried our Anti-Age Regimen and was delighted with her results!
Forget the hassle of appointments and needles, you too can have better, younger looking skin in the comfort of your own bathroom,
Don’t hesitate any longer, let’s get you started today!

You’re not getting any younger, why wait? Contact me today!
by Debi G | Oct 23, 2011
Too many fillers, too much Botox, and too much Plastic…
The result? Absolute mayhem.
So you’ve been thinking that it just might be time for botox and fillers, maybe even some plastic surgery? Your skin is sagging a little more, your lips are thinning, and the crows feet are helping you look like you’ve had a permanent smile on your face. Mellow and mature is all of a sudden starting to catch up…

…but you’re afraid of the end result that could leave you with a droopy eye, lips that look like they’ve suffered an allergy attack, and maybe even a stiff, frozen expressionless face that really makes you look ridiculous. You should be cautious. Very cautious.
A few years back (when I used to do such things), a nurse who was supposed to know what she was doing, injected the area around my mouth with botox…I could hardly eat for two months because I could barely open my mouth! My whole face looked as if I had a stroke! I looked like a freak! Has it happened to you? Well now you have a better choice.
THE ANSWER, the most innovative, the most technologically advanced, world renowned, Rodan+Fields Dermatologists have a safer and less expensive alternative. It’s what all the fashion magazines are talking about. Now you, too, can age more gracefully and more naturally with their Anti-Age Regimen…and for even better results, combine the regimen with the AMP-MD System. And we don’t stop there, we’ve got your hands and lips covered, too!

In the privacy of your own home you can achieve healthier, younger looking skin by signaling collagen regrowth with a comprehensive skincare system that layers powerful cosmetic ingredients and proven peptide technology to visibly firm skin and reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles and enlarged pores.
We have a comprehensive line of clinically proven products created and formulated by the Proactiv Doctors. They did it for acne, now they’re doing it for your wrinkles. See the whole skincare line here.
Business opportunities are also available to represent this exceptional line of skincare.
You’re not getting any younger, so for more information, contact me today.
by Debi G | Oct 20, 2011
It’s so much fun to see all of the favorable media publicity and free press each month…I just LOVE the fact that R+F launches a new product on October 1st and we’re already featured in 3 major magazines!!
In the November 2011 issue of Redbook, our very own Dr. Kathy Fields addressing treatment for our aging hands. She & Dr. Katie Rodan have developed our new 2-step Hand Treatment Regimen to help our hands stay brighter, less wrinkled and more evenly toned, and as youthful looking as our faces!
Become my Preferred Customer – go to my Website to order yours today!
Or, for business opportunities email me at
See our new Online Catalog here!