by Debi G | Nov 29, 2011
Many people have a strong desire for career independence but very few ever take the steps to explore this career option. Do you ever dream about owning your own business?
Does the quote below resonate with you?
If you don’t follow your dreams, then you will work for someone who is following their dream!
Dreaming about improving your economic well-being and enhancing your quality of life?
Then spend some time learning about working with me and the Doctors who created Proactiv Solution and see if this is a viable career path for you.
by Debi G | Nov 25, 2011

Most Valuable Real Estate - YOUR HANDS, YOUR NECK, and YOUR FACE!
It may be a cliché, but first impressions really are important – and you don’t get a second chance to make one!
If you want to make your presence count, start with your most valuable piece of real estate.
Good posture, good communication, and GREAT SKIN will deliver the confidence you need! First impressions last forever!
Rodan + Fields Dermatologists will give you that poise and assurance you’re looking for. Try one of our 4 top selling regimens for your specific skincare concern.
Why wait? You’re not getting any younger. Make your first impression a lasting impression.
Contact me today to see how you can get your Holiday Glow back on!
Business Opportunities also available. Ask me how.
by Debi G | Nov 22, 2011
The Holidays are here once again. You’ll be seeing friends, family, and yes probably the ex and his new wife!
You can consider yourself lucky if you’ve made it into your fourth, fifth, or sixth decade or beyond. But, if a glance in the mirror tells you without hesitating that you’re looking a tad bit more saggy and droopy…you could also be developing “turkey neck”.
Why do necks sag and droop more with age? The skin around the neck is especially prone to aging because it’s thinner than facial skin and has a different collagen composition. Plus, it’s one of the most sun-exposed parts of the body, making it especially vulnerable to UVA/UVB damage.
What to do about it? You can take preventative measures by using the same prescription-strength products on your neck that you apply on your face, including retinol and peptides (see link) and, of course, always apply a UVA/UVB approved sunscreen every day.
But the problem with a turkey neck is that once you have one, it’s harder to get dramatic improvement without taking dramatic action. You can treat your neck with various lasers, which can help smooth the skin, and you can reinforce the skin by applying creams like retinoids that will encourage production of collagen and elastin, but you won’t lose the excess skin without some serious plastic surgery. What does that look like? An incision behind the earlobes, suctioned fat, lifted and tightened muscles, and a small scar from behind the ears into the hairline. (Not to mention a recovery time of 10 to 14 days, and a cost of about $11,000).
Bottom line: If your turkey neck is better off hiding behind a turtle neck, then lasers and creams may not make an appreciable difference. However, before you put your neck under the carving knife, think long and hard about starting right now to make a difference. Why? Because you can. It’s never too late to start taking care of your skin. Better to start now than to try to catch up later!
Need some help? Contact me now, before the holidays are over! Why wait? You’re not getting any younger!
by Debi G | Nov 20, 2011
Rosacea (ro-ZA-she-uh) is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that affects adults. It causes redness in your face and produces small, red, pus-filled bumps or pustules.
Left untreated, rosacea tends to be progressive, which means it gets worse over time. However, in most people rosacea is cyclic. Rosacea signs and symptoms may flare up for a period of weeks to months, and then diminish before flaring up again. Besides acne, rosacea can be mistaken for other skin problems, such as a skin allergy or eczema.

On dark skin, rosacea may be more difficult to distinguish. However, rosacea still causes redness and dilation of small blood vessels on the surface of the skin.
Changes typical of rosacea are redness of the cheeks, nose and central face, with small
red bumps or pustules.
Though rosacea doesn’t have a cure, treatments can control and reduce the signs and symptoms. If you experience persistent redness of your face, see your doctor for a diagnosis and proper treatment.
via Rosacea –
For more information or further assistance please contact me with the form below.
by Debi G | Nov 16, 2011
If you’re upping your skin’s water supply with frequent spritzing as a way to increase moisture, you may be creating a problem instead of solving one.
Unless you apply a barrier-repairing moisturizer (one which contains dimethicone, glycerin or hyaluronic acid) immediately after spritzing, you’ll actually dry out skin because as water evaporates it draws moisture away from all layers of your skin.
Feel the need to spritz? Just follow with lightly patting damp skin with a great moisturizer. Not only will you improve hydration over the long haul, you’ll get an immediately refreshed and youthful glow.
For product information or for a business opportunity, please contact me.