by Debi G | Oct 18, 2012

You are sitting on a park bench with two billionaires, one sitting on each side of you. They offer you a business partnership where you can use their name, their warehouse, and their distribution process so you won’t ever have to stock up on products or worry about finding time to deliver them.
They tell you they will provide you with all the technology, training and resources to become a business owner. Plus they will show you how to condense 30 years of a conventional career into 3-5 years of hard work.
Then they tell you that YOU that you can now be your own boss and be in charge of your own life. Better yet, you will be the one to decide on how much money you want to make.
And just when you think it can’t get any more intriguing, they say…
Imagine, for a few moments, living your life on YOUR own terms…
freedom to come and go as you please when you please, traveling, paying for school tuition for the year with one check, getting to raise your own children without the need for daycare, buying that new sports car, dress, or dream home!
Who would say no to this????
Before YOU say no, talk to me. The worst thing that could happen is you’ll spend 30 minutes chatting with a friend. The best thing is….well, start reading again from the top!
by Debi G | Oct 17, 2012
The statement was made in the second Presidential Debate about women earning 28% less than their male counterparts in Corporate America. Both candidates neglected to mention Network Marketing as a way to level the playing field.
My company has given and continues to give many women the opportunity to build a business from home and grow into a six-figure+ annual income. Fabulous incomes…fantastic lifestyles in the making.
If you want more time, more money, and more freedom, then let’s chat about saying good-bye to your glass ceiling!
If more and more women are becoming the bread winners in their families, then let’s show ’em how it’s done! You know what to do next!
by Debi G | Oct 11, 2012

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