WARNING! Two & 1/2 Months Left to Use Your Vacation and Sick Time…

And Then The Clock Starts All Over Again…Use It Or Lose It!!

A recent post from a good friend of mine:

“Just got a 3rd quarter summary from HR that I have over two weeks of vacation and sick time left for the year. After this past month and the rest of this week, I think I should get the heck out of Dodge and spend it sleeping on a warm beach somewhere.

Oh wait, there are special projects that have to be completed by December 1st. Oh wait, then there are year end planning and projections that have to be completed by December 15th.   Call Me Today 615-332-9995

The time is great but when can I use it?”

Maybe it’s time to take charge of your own life…having a Network Marketing Home-Based business for many people is looking better and better all the time!

Time freedom and flexibility and unlimited income potential.

That’s what we call Beach Money!   Maybe it’s time for that PLAN B you’ve been thinking about  😉

You deserve to know what you might be saying “yes” to!  Let’s talk today!

Wrinkles and Brown Spots, Oh My! What Should I Work On First?

I have Wrinkles and brown spots from spending too much time in the sun without proper protection. When I look in the mirror I look 10 years older! I want better looking skin. What should I work on first?  My freckles and brown spots or my wrinkles?

Dull skin, brown spots and freckles are all signs of sun damage. And no amount of anti-aging serums, lotions and potions will ever reverse their appearance.

Before you get aggressive with your anti-aging efforts, it is best to Reverse the damage caused by too much time in the sun by cleaning the slate with a hydroquinone-based regimen to clear away the skin clutter.

Not only will your skin look and feel smoother and more even, your anti-aging products will be more effective at addressing other issues like lines and wrinkles when the time comes.

Need help deciding what to do first?

Take our new PerSKINality Quiz to see whats right for you!



Message me with your questions and post your comments below.