As you kick your spring cleaning into high gear, did you know that the majority of household dust is actually composed of dead skin cells? While this news might make you think differently about those “dust bunnies,” this process of skin cell turnover is critical to maintaining a youthful complexion.
Tune in to the latest webisode of Skinpact News, “Spring Cleaning,” to learn how you can clear the clutter and reveal a more radiant, younger-looking complexion.
The bad news…too much of a suntan not only causes excessive wrinkling and is dangerous to your skin, but dark tanning is also becoming unglamorous and unsophisticated.
The good news is…you can get a healthy sun-kissed summer glow your way!
That’s why the most sassy and chic people LOVE our tanning foam – no orange, no streaking, no funny smell and it lasts longer!
And the good news gets even better – we have you covered! Our ESSENTIALS Line includes everything you need for glamorous, luscious, delightful summer skin.Body Sunscreen-spf 30, Body Moisturizer, Foaming Sunless Tanner, and for your lips, Lip Shield-spf 25. Top of the line, no nonsense products that really work!
GIFT IDEA ALERT! Pay skin safety forward – Put some of these products with a fabulous Beach Towel and shaazzam…you have a Fabulous Gift for Teachers, Appreciation, Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Graduation, Me, Just Because, etc.…
Warmer weather is here! Expose your skin to the ESSENTIALSso that your skin stays soft, smooth, healthy-looking and protected!
QUESTION: What’s the difference between the Clarisonic and the Macro
ANSWER:The Clarisonic brush cleans, softens and smooths skin. The brush is gentle, and it removes makeup, oil and dirt more than manual cleansing.
The Macro Exfoliator is a hand-held, personal at-home, do-it-yourself, exfoliation tool that sweeps away dead skin cells by removing the stratum corneum (the top layer of skin) leaving your skin smoother and healthier looking with a more luminous complexion.
It’s diamond tip head is the first thing you should notice that is different between them. Only5 minutes a weekremoves 5 million dead skin cells.
Lack of exfoliating and sun exposure are the biggest contributors to older looking, dull skin. Start your at-home, do-it-yourself, exfoliating by reaching out to me TODAY!
See for yourself!
The Macro Ehas been getting rave reviews in the beauty press, creating an unprecedented demand.
Contact me now, and ask me how you can get one at my Consultant pricing!
Clinical Results: 95% of participants experienced an improvement in their skin texture after ONE use!!
“FLASH BACK…..this is how Rodan+Fields looked in high-end department stores! Bloomingdales, NYC…Circa 2004!
The Proactiv Doctors not only rocked the infomercial world with their Proactiv brand, they then rocked the retail setting with their new venture!
But wait, there’s a twist. Now they can rock your world! They decided to break the glass on the department store counter and let you independently own a piece of their new company and grow it from your own home! It’s the perfect Plan B! Did you know that word of mouth marketing has moved more R+F product volume than Bloomingdale’s & Nordstrom’s ever did?
The beauty of it all is this…this time you can hitch your wagon to the R+F shooting star.Whether you want a secret shopping fund and extra money for a spa vacation with your girlfriends, or maybe you want post-divorce replacement income, or maybe you’re just plain tired of office politics and rush hour traffic and are looking for a way out…whatever it is that you think you want, you can get paid to share these products and the power of this business model.
Unlike the typical brick and mortar business, your own business from your own home requires little to no overhead and can pay you a full-time income in part-time hours!
Activate your Plan B now. Get yourself into the right business with the right products at the right time! Many USA markets still untapped. Canadian Market expansion coming January 2014.
To learn how to hitch your wagon to this shooting star, send me a message below and we’ll get the conversation started. No pressure, no hard sell. My job is to help you determine if this is a good fit for you!