Even George knows that a brighter whiter smile can light up a room!
Darker skin and whiter teeth are a great way to instantly improve your appearance at every age. So, whether you’re standing at the altar or in the audience, get ready to be seen by using a sunless tanner and finding an at-home teeth bleaching kit you can use leading up to the event. Within a few applications you’ll be radiant, glowing and ready for the big celebration.
Shoulders up…your skin and your smile are your most valuable piece of real estate…a little whitening and the right skincare will go a long way.
More and more men are setting a skincare trend by taking care of their skin like never before.
Over the last decade or so, men are growing just as concerned about skin and hygiene. More guys take pride in their appearance and have a genuine interest as to what is available to them. And, more importantly, they will spend just as much money. I am approached by an increasing number of men who are more concerned than women about how they look.
Even if they indirectly ask me, “What can you do for this face?” It’s easy to see that they are indirectly hinting to me that they desperately need help.
Men, if you want that piece of real estate above your shoulders to have the best A Game going on around the Board Room table, then take a minute to listen to what Nurse Mary has to say about you!
For those of you who might think you don’t have enough time to start your own Rodan+Fields business, think again! One of our business partners from Hawaii was a full time labor and delivery nurse, mom of 4, involved in her church and a pageant director. Extremely busy like so many people! Her hubby was a carpenter and they were living paycheck to paycheck with no extra time or money for anything.
She started her Rodan+Fields business 9 months ago & is now driving her FREE Lexus from R+F, reached the very top of our fabulous pay plan and went from being a full time nurse to on call. She now has time for her kids and family, and they are living the life they had only dreamed of! Seriously life-changing. Love it!!
If you’re tired of living your life around your job and being too tired to play when you get home, then message me for more details on how you can start your own R+F business and “work” on your own terms. Time for you to get the life you want!
Changing skin and changing lives!