by Debi G | Apr 28, 2017

If you’re going through something and life just isn’t making any sense…think about this paradox…a shadow does not exist without light and from the darkness, we can create a new reality going forward. Your focus is everything…a potential for a deeper awakening.
by Debi G | Apr 27, 2017

“Okay… I’m getting really vulnerable here… it pains me for you to even see this photo on the left… but it’s important that I share. — Consistency is key… you can have the best skincare in the world, but if you’re not using it consistently, you’re not going to see results.
I decided to STAY consistent and look what happened! I can’t tell you how much more confidence I have.”
Teen or adult, man or woman…know someone who’s looking for a kick of confidence??
Say yes and give it a try! pm for info! <3

by Debi G | Apr 23, 2017

Hydration and moisturization address dryness in different ways.
Hydration adds water to the skin, while moisturizers do not actually add water to the skin.
Moisturizers form an occlusive barrier (keeping from the air) on top of the skin to seal in the moisture that is already there.
New from R+F, Active Hydration Serum…it works immediately, lasts all day, and most importantly, it builds moisture over time. Hydration…the next step to beautiful skin!
For all skin types 
Tap the button below to get more information!

by Debi G | Apr 19, 2017
Holy Hydration!!
If your skin is feeling like a dry hot desert…you need this!
- 200% more hydration after ONE use. Yes!
- 30% Glycerin bound to Hyaluronic Acid. Yes! (Other like-products only contain 1-3% Glycerin)
- SELF-ADJUSTING to YOUR skin type. Yes!
- BOOSTS your regimens results, and can be used with ALL REGIMENS. Yes!

? EVERY Preferred Customer who orders a regimen in May/June gets a 3-day sample of this magic for FREE!!
to find out more…
by Debi G | Apr 18, 2017

When we look in the mirror, we’re either hypercritical OR we are so used to seeing what we’ve always seen that we don’t even notice anymore.
Over the years the sun does indescribable damage to our skin, and it creeps up on us before we realize what’s happening.
The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, however, overdoing your exposure wreaks havoc on your face, making you look much older than you are.
Daily consistent care of your skin with good products that work makes everyday life so much cleaner and easier…imagine not having to worry about what you look like or having to take that extra 15 minutes to cover up your true beauty!
pm me…let’s reconnect to your true beautiful self, today!

Go ahead…Tap the Button !