by Debi G | Jul 18, 2017

Start your day off the right way!!
No one wants to wear make-up during the hot humid summer and besides make-up is bad for your skin and will make any skin problems worse.
The basic function of moisturizers is to help treat your skin when it’s dry and prevent it from drying out again. Moisturizers do this by holding water in the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin [source: Mayo Clinic].
When you think of hydration it’s only natural to think of water. To hydrate something means to increase its water content. In relation to skin care, hydration means increasing the amount of water in your skin cells, which results in a healthy, smooth and plump complexion.
Our advice is to follow these simple steps to great looking summer skin…
Step 1 – Exfoliate – your skin. This will eliminate any lingering dead skin cells and reduce flakiness.
Step 2 – Hydrate – A very common skin problem is over-drying and dehydration of the skin. Caused by poor diet, lack of vitamins, not drinking enough water, not enough exercise, and using products that don’t work.
Step 3 – Moisturize – retaining the skin’s natural oils with a rich, dewy formula that moisturizes and nourishes skin.
Step 4 – Mineral Powder with Sunscreen – Use very light, good quality mineral make up. Liquid make up sticks more prominently to dry patches and looks much more uneven than mineral make up. Be sure that the mineral make up you use is good quality, as cheap stuff contains harsh and drying chemicals that will make your skin worse. Invest in good quality, powder which will even out you skin tone and your complexion. ALWAYS use moisturizer before applying make up.
Experts recommend, exfoliate, hydrate, moisturize, and sunscreen.
Establish a routine for skin care, and stick to it. Remember that the best cure for dry skin is prevention and using quality products.
We’ve got you covered.

by Debi G | Jul 7, 2017
This morning I stood by the edge of a cliff. Afraid to take that next step over the edge into the unknown. I closed my eyes. I took a big breath and then I took another breath and then another. I could feel the hesitation and the uneasiness creeping through my veins like a storm without rain.
My guide stepped closer and whispered into my ear… “go ahead, make the jump”. I trembled deep inside my core even though I knew that it was something I had to do. I couldn’t turn back now. The opportunity was right in front of me. But that step from terra firma to over the edge of the cliff tugged at my ‘what if’.
I could feel my trusted guide standing there not saying a word as I took what seemed like forever. As he waited his presence surrounded me with warm acceptance and kind benevolence for this life altering moment in my life.
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and pointed my toe to step over the edge, and then as if nudging me forward, I felt the wind gently push me and then I began to fall. This was it, I thought to myself as my body hurled itself to somewhere. I couldn’t open my eyes as I felt the wind rushing past me. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst. It felt like I was plummeting into oblivion. And then I opened my eyes.
What I saw ignited my heart in amazing knowingness. It wasn’t a free-fall after all. I found myself riding atop a magnificent eagle! I was one with the pulsating flow of the monstrous wings gliding softly through the clouds. This historical moment was a reunion with all of the wisdom that had been hiding inside of me. A homecoming to the story that had been written for me at the beginning of time. My story. My truth. And I now knew. I knew that all along I was always perfectly protected. As we soared together through the gentle skies I could see majestic mountains and vast green valleys below. Crystal clear lakes and rivers and streams. Orchards and gardens teeming with vegetables, fruits, and flowers. And waterfalls and pools of glistening clear water.

On eagles wings. Our perception of what we fear is only that, an impression of what we’ve been conditioned to think. It is a story marred and stained with a life that we may not have made friends with, however, it was a story written specifically for us and for the things we need to learn. As life got thrown at us we forgot what we came here to find. That is our journey…to find our way back to our heart.
My guide, the one who has been with me since the beginning of time, knew. Knew that all that happened was to get me to here, to right now. All is well. Everything really is ok. It is good to trust in a higher power. My life is designed to fulfill my destiny of learning how to trust and love myself once again. Back to the Garden to fly with the eagles and the angels to wherever I want to go.
Have a story? Comment below or connect with me to share your journey.