Feeling Empty Inside? You Might Need to Fill Up on Some Self-Love
Many of us are looking to fill an emptiness inside, thinking that the answer to our ultimate happiness lies in changing our external circumstances – the partner, the job, the house, even our body. New clothes, a nip here a tuck there, a fancy watch, a shiny car only add to long-term credit card debt and short-term temporary surges of serotonin.
Why is it then that even when on the surface it looks as if we have everything we need to feel happy, we often don’t feel happy?
Pay close attention: in order to fill that void, you must first learn to do the very thing that will change how you feel about everything.
You must learn to love yourself.
When you love yourself, you’ll be able to celebrate the inner peace, happiness, and joy you feel participating IN the outside world, not THROUGH it.
When you love yourself, you can enjoy and receive love from others and not worry that they may lose interest or leave you.
When you love yourself, you are unapologetic about living your life for yourself that speaks to you and who you really are. Your truth. You don’t feel any longer that you have to prove anything to anyone.
Learning to love yourself is powerful, but easier than you may think.
Learning to love yourself can be one of the most uplifting and life-changing things that you can do that will improve all areas of your life.
But it’s a process that has to start from within, not from outside of you.
If you don’t meditate, learn how!
As long as you look to the outside world, people, or material things to make you feel wanted, accepted, valued, and happy, whatever you try to do will never quite feel like you’ve done enough.
Only truly loving yourself can help you find the sense of inner peace and contentment you’ve been longing for in this lifetime.
Let self-love fill your cup!