Wrinkles and Brown Spots, Oh My! What Should I Work On First?

I have Wrinkles and brown spots from spending too much time in the sun without proper protection. When I look in the mirror I look 10 years older! I want better looking skin. What should I work on first?  My freckles and brown spots or my wrinkles?

Dull skin, brown spots and freckles are all signs of sun damage. And no amount of anti-aging serums, lotions and potions will ever reverse their appearance.

Before you get aggressive with your anti-aging efforts, it is best to Reverse the damage caused by too much time in the sun by cleaning the slate with a hydroquinone-based regimen to clear away the skin clutter.

Not only will your skin look and feel smoother and more even, your anti-aging products will be more effective at addressing other issues like lines and wrinkles when the time comes.

Need help deciding what to do first?

Take our new PerSKINality Quiz to see whats right for you!



Message me with your questions and post your comments below.

Fact or Myth? Dull Skin Is a Normal Part of Aging

Dull, ruddy skin is not your destiny;

it’s actually an effect of sun damage and can be reversed with the right regimen. Dr’s. Rodan & Fields  recommend products that not only gently exfoliate but also include hydroquinone to lighten and brighten skin.

Combine that with consistent use of sunscreen all year long, for a brilliant more radiant you and smooth skin will be your ageless quality.

Let me help you restore yourself to a healthy brilliant glow!!  

I’ll show you how!

Fact or Myth: Darker Complexions Offer Adequate SPF

While darker skin tones offer a natural SPF ranging from 5-13, this isn’t enough to keep the skin protected. The sun may not have your skin “seeing red,” but that doesn’t mean it’s not making its mark and taking it’s toll.  A sunburn is a warning;  it is the sun’s way of telling you it’s time to get out of the sun.

We’ve all heard the myth that people of color don’t tan or don’t sunburn because the skin is already dark. That MYTH is dangerously false.

There is also a similar misconception about whether or not people with dark skin tones need to wear SPF or not; SPF measures how long skin covered with sunscreen takes to burn compared to uncovered skin.

It’s true that people with darker skin tones don’t sunburn as easily as those with fairer skin. This is due to darker skin tones having an increased amount of epidermal melanin, which provides a natural SPF. Watch out though, even people with very dark skin who have a natural SPF of 13, (that  filters twice as much UV radiation) are still susceptible to skin cancer, sun spots and wrinkles.

Those with darker complexions may not see their sun damage and accelerated wrinkles as soon, but they are just as susceptible to other signs of aging like skin growths, hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.

Without the redness and burning sensation that accompanies a sunburn, those with darker complexions are less likely to sense the signal to get out of the sun.

With skin cancer on the rise for all ethnic groups, applying a good sunscreen with UVA/UVB ingredients is imperative anti-aging protection and safety insurance that all people should take advantage of year round. No matter what time of day or what the sky looks like!



Leave your comments below or contact me for more information on where to find the best sunscreens!

Flowers and Beautiful Skin…

Flowers and Beautiful Skin: ALWAYS…in fashion, in art, and in beauty.

                             Sun Damaged Skin: NEVER…in fashion, in art, and in beauty.

Need I say more?

Protect your skin from the aging rays of the sun.

You’ll be glad you did when your wrinkles want to catch up with you!

Suntanning is out. Beautiful flawless skin is in.

Whether you have sensitive skin, acne, brown/age spots, or wrinkles, if you have a skin concern, we have a solution. Don’t wait, contact me today for your resolution.

Also visit  www.debi.myrandf.com to see our full line of skincare products.

What Is Rodan+Fields Multi-Med Therapy For Your Skin?

No single ingredient can effectively treat a complex skin concern. However, even though skin conditions can be complex, the solutions don’t have to be.

That’s why the Doctors created Rodan + Fields Multi-Med Therapy; skincare designed to deliver the right medicines, in the right formulations, in the right order to transform skin to look the best and brightest it ever has looked – without a prescription and a trip to the doctor’s office.

Whether you have brown spots and dullness, wrinkles, acne or sensitive skin, if you have a skin concern we have a solution. All with a 60 Day empty bottle money back guarantee.

Watch below to hear what the world famous doctors have to say about their new products.

With Rodan + Fields Multi-Med Therapy Regimens, great skin, and the confidence and self-esteem that come with it, are finally within your reach.

Why wait? For a free sample and to learn more about our skincare products or to hear more about our business opportunity,  contact me below.