Revitalizing Your Reverse Regimen For Dry Winter Skin

Revitalizing Your Reverse Regimen For Dry Winter Skin

Revitalizing Your Reverse Regimen For Dry Winter Skin

Did you know that a drop in the temperature can drop your surface moisture, leaving skin feeling dry, tight and even chapped. So use extra care throughout your skincare routine.

“Be sure to use a light touch when cleansing with REVERSE Deep Exfoliating Wash  #1 by using your fingertips to gently massage over the entire face,” Mary suggests. “This mitigates overworking the skin — especially the cheek area.”

Adding extra hydration to the REVERSE Brightening or REVERSE Lightening Regimen  also will benefit dry winter skin. Mary notes that “applying Active Hydration Serum twice a day over the entire face after cleansing and toning will not only reduce the cycle of dryness but reduce visible pores and fine lines, helping skin to look younger and more radiant.”

In an eight-day US clinical study, this breakthrough serum instantly raised skin’s hydration level by 200% after just one use, and maintained it for up to eight hours. The reason? Active Hydration Serum is formulated with our patent-pending 3D3P Molecular Matrix, which draws in moisture from the atmosphere and locks it in.

And hydrated skin not only looks healthier, but is also primed to more readily accept ingredients from products that are layered on top. This means Active Hydration Serum actually boosts the brightening or lightening benefits of your REVERSE Regimen. You’ll address your discoloration concerns — such as the appearance of dullness or stubborn dark spots — plus see smoother, softer and more radiant-looking skin. (To discover where Active Hydration Serum fits into your particular REVERSE Regimen, check out this video.)

Our research backs up these results: In an 8-week clinical study, participants who added Active Hydration Serum to their REVERSE Regimen experienced more even-looking skin with a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As we said in our previous article about the benefits of pairing the REDEFINE Regimen with Active Hydration Serum, it’s a win-win all around.

Step up your REVERSE Lightening or REVERSE Brightening Regimen with Active Hydration Serum today.


Learn more about Rodan+Fields Reverse Regimens.

*information is taken from Derm RF.

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What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

When we look in the mirror, we’re either hypercritical OR we are so used to seeing what we’ve always seen that we don’t even notice anymore.

Over the years the sun does indescribable damage to our skin, and it creeps up on us before we realize what’s happening.

The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, however, overdoing your exposure wreaks havoc on your face, making you look much older than you are.

Daily consistent care of your skin with good products that work makes everyday life so much cleaner and easier…imagine not having to worry about what you look like or having to take that extra 15 minutes to cover up your true beauty!

pm me…let’s reconnect to your true beautiful self, today!

You'll be glad you did!

                Go ahead…Tap the Button !

Be “Fore” Warned… Sun and Golf…Are a Dangerous Mix of Pleasure

975331916a23668b42c34861dd0537a7So you love to get out and play in the sun! Whether you’re a golfer, biker, runner, walker, or equestrian, skin cancer screening should be number one in your book of sun/skin protection factors. Chances are, if you haven’t been taking notice of your skin after spending time in the sun, the after effects are showing and the damage has been done. Sun spots, dark marks, and dullness are invading your once youthful looking complexion 🙁

There are many ways you can take precautions and protect yourself from the sun while enjoying a day of playing in the sun.


Finding a sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB helps adequately protect your skin as well as your immune system from the sun. Most dermatologists agree on an SPF of at least 30 or higher. Always look for The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Seal of Recommendation. Additionally, always apply sunscreen to all the skin that will be exposed to the sun, such as your scalp and back of hands, and reapply every 2 hours.

WE RECOMMEND sunscreen4

The sunscreens that protect the skin through an active ingredient such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are considered the best.


You might be tempted to wear your short sleeves and short pants, but fight the feeling…you will be exposing way too much skin to the sun. Wear the long sleeves and pants; you will be glad you did. Additionally, have them be made of the sun-protective fabrics that are now available. Of the many fabrics on the market, San Soleil, which is ultra light cotton offers a 50 UV protection, and Sol Umbra offers 100 + SPF.


So important and sometimes overlooked, the quality of sunglasses is essential. Not only does the excess sunlight strain your eyes, but it also damages them. Wind protection is another factor. Always wear wraparound sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of UV radiation.


Find a wide brimmed protective hat to wear. Preferably one with sunscreen protection built in. And definitely one with no holes allowing daylight through.


Please remember that skin cancer screening is vitally important and should be a routine in your healthcare regimen. If you happen to spend a lot of time in the sun, it becomes exponentially important. Schedule a yearly skin exam and get checked out by a board certified Dermatologist.

For more information


Clean The Slate…Post-Summer!

With summer days behind you, it’s time to see how your skin has fared after long, sunny afternoons of soccer games, poolside fun, family picnics, and beach getaways. Even with your daily dose of sunscreen, your complexion may be looking less than lustrous right about now. Before you send dull skin on its way, consider what’s going on above and below the surface.


We often pay more attention to evidence of the sun’s scorching UVB rays (hello sunburn), but it’s the aging UVA rays that can do far more insidious damage to the texture, quality and tone of our skin. For example, every time unprotected skin is exposed to UVA rays, skin cells in that area produce more melanin (or pigment), resulting in dark spots and a drab, uneven complexion.

Since evidence of sun damage is cumulative, it often shows up more dramatically in our twenties and thirties. Even if you feel like you’ve had that sprinkling of spots on your nose, cheeks or forehead forever, think again. No one is born with freckles. While there is a genetic tendency to develop dark areas or uneven pigmentation, sun exposure is a critical factor in bringing out freckles and it greatly accelerates visible signs of aging.


Now’s your chance to perk up post-summer skin. Just remember that sun exposure doesn’t just appear (or disappear) overnight, so be patient. Make sure your daily skincare routine includes exfoliation (to remove dead dulling skin), and look for ingredients like Vitamin C to help even out skin tone.  REVERSE Brightening Regimen is an effective way to clean the slate, evening and brightening tone while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles—so you can look forward to younger-looking skin this fall.

Share this skin wisdom now to brighten someone’s day. Contact me today to get an early start on looking your best for the Holidays!

