Did You Know? The History of Tanning…

the history of tanningDid you know?
In the millennia preceding the industrial revolution, pallor was popular within the upper classes, hinting at a noble life of leisure spent indoors. Dark skin was associated with poverty, hard physical work, serfdom and toiling in fields all day. Using poisonous whiteners to create pale skin has been popular throughout history – particularly during the ancient Greek, Roman and Elizabethan eras.

Tanning was only made chic, when Coco Chanel caught too much sun on a Mediterranean cruise. The photographs of her disembarking in Cannes set a new precedent of beauty; her friend Prince Jean-Louis de Faucigny-Lucigne later said: “I think she may have invented sunbathing. At that time, she invented everything.”

Fears surrounding the risks of tanning were confirmed in 2009, when it was found that rates of malignant melanoma have more than quadrupled in the past 30 years and that it is the most common form of cancer among those aged 15-34. The World Health Organization has found that people who have been using tanning devices before age 30 are 75% more likely to develop melanoma.

Who knew that Coco Chanel really could have started something so dangerous and unhealthy. If you just can’t live without that sun-kissed look, there is a better way and we have it!   https://debi.myrandf.com/Shop/Product/ESST125

Message me to see how you can get a bottle free!


Fact or Fiction? Some People Are Born With Freckles

FICTION. No one is born with freckles—Fact_vs_Fiction_800x800px_Facebookthey’re all the result of sun damage. Freckles come from ultraviolet radiation reacting with melanocytes and causing them to become enlarged and overactive. Over time, this increased melanocyte activity causes the formation of brown spots in adults and “liver spots,” also known as “age spots,” in the elderly.

The rays responsible for freckles are UVA rays, which are commonly referred to as the aging rays (think A for “aging”). They’re the long rays that penetrate deeply into the dermis and cause damage over time. They have the ability to destroy collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles and sagging. While some may have a genetic tendency to form freckles, sun exposure is the key factor that causes them to manifest. That’s why freckles are typically darker in the summer yet may fade almost completely in the winter.
The same process that causes freckles in youth causes age spots in advancing age. The dark spots—most present on sun-exposed areas like the face, arms and back of hands—are simply larger, more prominent versions of freckles. Once discoloration is present, it’s often permanent unless treated, and it will only get darker and more pronounced with continued sun exposure.

To target these signs of premature aging—including freckles, dark spots, discoloration and more—try the REVERSE Regimen. The Regimen exfoliates, lightens, brightens and protects your skin. “Brown spots” typically indicate excessive sun exposure, meaning it’s time you limit your time in the sun and slather on a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin. Try REVERSE Broad Spectrum SPF 50+, which not only defends against UV rays but also contains SHIELDrf sunscreen technology to fight the signs of photo-aging and licorice and mulberry to help brighten dull skin.

Contact me to find out more information 🙂



Fact or Fiction? We All Age at The Same Rate

Fact_vs_Fiction_230x345px_Thumb-230x300Fiction: Turns out, we all age at different rates. A long-term human health study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences measured the aging rate in young people by studying a panel of 18 biological markers—including blood pressure, immune systems and liver function. Based on the biological markers, the researchers then set a “biological age” for each participant. Although each participant was 38 years old, their “biological age” ranged from 30 to nearly 60 based on their biomarkers.

To discover each participant’s aging pace, scientists compared each participant’s results at 38 to the same measurements taken at ages 26 and 32, and they found that most participants aged one year per chronological year. However, some aged up to three years per year, while others aged at zero years per year—meaning they actually remained younger than their age.Fact_vs_Fiction_730x500px_Instagram

Thankfully, the aging process isn’t all about genetics. Studies have proven that, though 20 percent can be attributed to good genes, the rest has to do with environmental causes, like exposure to the sun’s UV rays. And that’s good news for our skin. The choices we make—whether it’s staying out of the sun or using effective broad spectrum sunscreen formulas, such as REDEFINE Triple Defense Treatment and REVERSE Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ Sunscreen—can visibly improve how your skin ages.

Protecting yourself is easier than ever before!

Send me a message…let’s get you started today!



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My sister told me to wear sunscreen in the winter but it’s snowing and cloudy—what’s the point?

uv-chartThe aging rays of the sun, UVA rays, are present 365 days a year, rain or shine, sunup to sundown. They are as strong at 7 a.m. as they are at noon and even 7 p.m.  They are so powerful they can penetrate clouds, rain, snow, glass, some plastics and clothing (especially loose cotton weaves and wet fabrics).

UVA rays destroy our collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles and sagging over time. UVA rays also stimulate pigment-producing melanocytes to release brown melanin, resulting in “liver spots” on the face, hands and chest—a true hallmark of aged skin.

Sun Damage_5

Take your sister’s advice and protect your skin year-round with a Rodan + Fields broad spectrum sunscreen that is designed for your skin type every morning before you leave the house, and reapply throughout the day.

Rodan+Field’s Suncreens available with every regimen including Essentials. See more https://debi.myrandf.com/Shop


Fact or Myth? Summer is Officially Over, I Can Skip The Sun Screen.

the doctors are in

Your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays 365 days a year from sunup to sundown. While UVB rays are strongest from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. daily, aging UVA rays are as strong at 9 a.m. in late December as they are at 12 p.m. mid-August.

This is why wearing an effective broad-spectrum sunscreen daily is every bit as important in the fall as it is in the summer.


Contact me for more information on how to take better care of your skin…