Can Facial Exercises Help Your Skin??

facial exercises

Keep in mind that you cannot tone and build facial muscles like other body muscles. While there are fads concerning facial exercise and facial calisthenics, pleasing effects (if there are any) are only temporary. In fact, over time, facial exercise can actually make more expression lines and wrinkles appear. Oh yes..there is a better way!





Cue The Lasers: New Non-invasive Methods to Detect Skin Cancer


When it comes to moles and the risk of melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, what you don’t know could hurt you—or worse. Early detection of melanoma, before it penetrates the skin’s deep layers, is crucial and can mean the difference between life and death. Two promising breakthroughs in laser technology may soon offer doctors more efficient, biopsy-free detection methods to diagnose malignant skin cancers with more accuracy than ever.

The Dermascanner, developed by German researchers as reported in Science Daily, May 2015, combines 2D scans with additional scanned 3D data to give doctors precise details to track the growth of every individual mole from several different positions. This software also has the ability to compare current images to existing earlier scans and pinpoint the exact location of every single mole.

Meanwhile, scientists in the UK and Italy have unveiled a new laser Doppler technique that tracks fluctuations in blood flow beneath the skin over a 30-minute period, as published in Scientific Reports in August 2015. The data enables researchers to differentiate between malignant melanoma and non-cancerous moles without a biopsy.

While these advances in early skin cancer detection are promising, more research is necessary before either laser method can be used in clinical practice. Be your own health advocate between doctor visits by watching out for suspicious moles, and ask someone you trust to check any on your back. Consider downloading Mole Mapper Melanoma Study, a free iPhone app, which allows users to track changes in their moles and share the data for research.

Of course, prevention is still the best medicine for sun-related skin diseases—and it begins with you. Limit sun exposure and make broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen part of your daily skincare routine. Opt for products that provide sun protection in addition to other benefits, like REDEFINE Triple Defense Treatment Broad Spectrum SPF 30 with powerful peptides to reduce the appearance of fine lines, or REVERSE Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ Sunscreen to help brighten dull skin that may be due to past sun damage.

*Information provided by Derm R+F




Sugar & Salt is all you need…

No ‪#‎Microbeads‬ !? No problem!734905_1113891618629049_481241859228758172_n

Our innovative, forward-thinking Drs. Rodan + Fields created our Enhancements MicroDermabrasion Paste with NO MICROBEADS – just a combo of sugar and salt to knock the dead skin off!

Our Enhancements MicroDermabrasion Paste is a true WIN-WIN for both your skin AND the environment!
OH!….and we don’t test on animals :):) I Love Love Love this paste

Are you ready? Holler 🙂

Fact or Fiction? Some People Are Born With Freckles

FICTION. No one is born with freckles—Fact_vs_Fiction_800x800px_Facebookthey’re all the result of sun damage. Freckles come from ultraviolet radiation reacting with melanocytes and causing them to become enlarged and overactive. Over time, this increased melanocyte activity causes the formation of brown spots in adults and “liver spots,” also known as “age spots,” in the elderly.

The rays responsible for freckles are UVA rays, which are commonly referred to as the aging rays (think A for “aging”). They’re the long rays that penetrate deeply into the dermis and cause damage over time. They have the ability to destroy collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles and sagging. While some may have a genetic tendency to form freckles, sun exposure is the key factor that causes them to manifest. That’s why freckles are typically darker in the summer yet may fade almost completely in the winter.
The same process that causes freckles in youth causes age spots in advancing age. The dark spots—most present on sun-exposed areas like the face, arms and back of hands—are simply larger, more prominent versions of freckles. Once discoloration is present, it’s often permanent unless treated, and it will only get darker and more pronounced with continued sun exposure.

To target these signs of premature aging—including freckles, dark spots, discoloration and more—try the REVERSE Regimen. The Regimen exfoliates, lightens, brightens and protects your skin. “Brown spots” typically indicate excessive sun exposure, meaning it’s time you limit your time in the sun and slather on a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin. Try REVERSE Broad Spectrum SPF 50+, which not only defends against UV rays but also contains SHIELDrf sunscreen technology to fight the signs of photo-aging and licorice and mulberry to help brighten dull skin.

Contact me to find out more information 🙂



Do I Need to Change My Exfoliation Routine With The Change in Seasons?

Exfoliating Your SkinYou may find your skin needs extra attention and moisture during the harsh winter months or in dry climates. Follow the tips below to help promote cell turnover and keep your skin moisturized:

Exfoliate to prepare the skin. Proper exfoliation removes the dulling dry skin cells that create a barrier to your moisturizer while helping younger, more vibrant cells rise to the surface. Try ENHANCEMENTS Micro-Dermabrasion Paste, a salt and sugar combination in a high-glide, oil-free formula designed to promote gentle exfoliation for brighter-looking skin. Use the paste intermittently to buff off dead cells and improve skin tone and texture.MicroDerm_Paste


Hydrate skin from the outside in. As the weather gets crisper and drier, you may want to add a more emollient moisturizer to your Regimen, like SOOTHE Moisture Replenishing Cream, along with REDEFINE Multi-Function Eye Cream, to keep skin well hydrated. The humidity levels outside determine how dry your skin is—not how much water you consume—so apply moisturizer if you’re feeling dry. In your home, crank up a humidifier to keep humidity levels at an ideal 50 percent.

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