by Debi G | Feb 3, 2015
Our deepest expressions create our deepest expression lines. These are the lines that reveal a million moments in one…the times you laughed so hard with a loved one you could cry…the stolen moments puckered up for a kiss goodbye. They’re not just our wrinkles — they’re our storylines.
While our love stories may get better with age, our storylines won’t. At 30, you might start to notice visible signs of aging, such as deepening smile lines or worry creases between the eyebrows. By the time we’re in our 40s, our storylines become more established: The crow’s feet around our eyes and the “goal posts” between our brows deepen, while the corners of our mouths start turning down, forming marionette lines that can leave us looking angry or sad. Even our lips, one of the face’s key vehicles of expression, start to show our storylines through the vertical lines that can say more about our age than we’d care to put into words.
Show Your Lips Some Love with these few tips to keep your lips kissably soft and smooth through the winter months.

Although aging is inevitable, diminishing the appearance of lines and wrinkles is largely within our control.
The month ahead—filled with romance, Valentines and love stories—is the perfect time to find your expression, lose the wrinkle.
Let me show you how to lose those wrinkles. Message me for more info 🙂

by Debi G | Jan 14, 2015
When it comes to skincare, there’s a lot of confusion out there. People are bombarded with conflicting information and a cluttered marketplace. Make every day count when it comes to caring for your skin.

Fact or fiction? Skincare is less important than procedures.
When it comes to caring for your skin, you don’t have to go to extremes to age extremely well. While peels, injections, lasers, microdermabrasion and other procedures can yield great results, they require regular visits to the dermatologist’s office and come with a huge skinpact—they’re expensive, sometimes painful and often have considerable recovery time.
The truth is, with modern advances in skincare science, daily skincare can often make more of a long-term difference than in-office procedures. A smart skincare regimen, along with healthy habits, such as getting plenty of beauty sleep (on your back), eating right and exercising regularly, can influence up to 80% of your skin’s future.
If you want to improve the look and feel of your skin, our advice is, “Slow and steady
wins the race.” Staying on track with consistent daily application of clinically proven products that are tailored to your special needs can go a long way in ensuring a healthy, youthful-looking future for your skin. And it’s never too late, or too soon, to start.
Click below to find out what’s right for you

Contact me first, before you order, I’ll save you money!
How are you ensuring a healthy, youthful-looking future for your skin? Tell me about your skincare routine and the results you are seeing by commenting below.
by Debi G | Dec 12, 2014
For many years, women believed they could do little or nothing about the state of their skin and the ravages of aging. Today, we now understand that genetics account for just 20% of visible aging changes, and the remaining 80% depends on habits and lifestyle. By becoming an active participant in the quest for healthier, more attractive skin, we all have the opportunity to look and feel as young as we choose.
A cornerstone of any anti-aging routine is exfoliation. When you’re young, skin cells turn
over every 28 to 30 days, giving skin that healthy-looking, fresh glow associated with a youthful appearance. Over time, this process of renewal slows, so much so that by the time you’re 40, it could take 50-plus days for the outermost skin to turn over. When dead cells don’t slough off as rapidly, the very top layer of skin gets thicker, appearing almost stale, and the dead cells can pack into your pores, making them look larger. This is why exfoliation is so important—it assists the natural shedding process and reveals the newer, fresh skin cells below.
Exfoliation can take many forms, and we recommend incorporating macro- and micro-exfoliation into your routine for best results. Once-weekly macro-exfoliation sweeps away up to five-million dead skin cells in just five minutes, leaving behind smoother, healthier-looking skin and a more luminous complexion. In addition, our clinical studies show that daily use of a cosmetic, non-invasive micro-exfoliating roller, in conjunction with retinol and peptides, can help you achieve visibly firmer, younger-looking skin. Both processes can be done together, just not on the same day.
Thanks to great strides in skincare science, there’s no reason to fear Father Time.
Do you exfoliate regularly?
Need more information? Find out what’s right for you…click below 🙂

by Debi G | Dec 2, 2014
If you’re planning to glam up your nails this holiday season, you could be putting your health at serious risk.
A new study, “How Safe is Your Nail Salon,” released by the City of New York, reveals a number of alarming findings about the safety and cleanliness of salons, including:
Fifty-six percent of New York salons are in violation of health and safety rules, and customers have been infected with hepatitis and staph infections due to unclean conditions.
There is “little to no regulation on the manufacturing of” UV lamps, used to dry nails,
even though they can be as harmful to skin as tanning beds, according to the report.
Toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl pthalate—known as “the toxic trio”—are found in many nail products, even though they have been linked with reproductive harm, respiratory problems and cancer. Of the 10,000 other chemicals contained in nail products, 89% have not been tested by independent agencies.
The report suggests that cities can help create safer, more sanitary conditions in salons by developing programs similar to San Francisco’s first-in-the-nation Healthy Nail Salon Recognition Program. The program, which started in 2012, recognizes salons that pass health and safety standards with a window sticker to showcase their compliance to customers.
Whether you frequent a corner nail place or an expensive salon, it’s important to take precautions to ensure your manicure doesn’t turn into a mani-curse. Consider bringing your own nail-care kit. For $50 or less, you can purchase the needed tools at your local beauty supply store. This small investment and extra step may save you from contracting a serious infection that could have life-threatening consequences. If you’re treating yourself to a gel manicure, make sure to protect your hands from the UV light used to cure the gel by applying sunscreen before getting your nails painted.
When it comes to pedicures, foot baths may seem like a blissful moment of Zen, but they’re also the perfect breeding ground for infectious bacteria. Stainless steel soaks are ideal, but if the salon only offers plastic, make sure it is thoroughly cleaned with an antibacterial cleanser or covered in a plastic bag before you dip your tootsies in.
When it comes to manis and pedis, you can’t be overly cautious. With a few prudent steps, you can ensure your next visit to the nail salon is enjoyable and safe.
How are you nourishing and protecting your nails? Share by commenting below.
by Debi G | Nov 21, 2014
The usual day-after-Thanksgiving leftover turkey sandwich is a nice tradition, but it won’t fight wrinkles and like whipping up a zesty turkey bolognese will.
According to research presented at the British Society for Investigative Dermatology, a diet rich in cooked tomatoes could help prevent premature aging and provide an extra tool in sun protection.
Scientists at the University of Newcastle and the University of Manchester asked a small group of women to eat tomato paste daily for 12 weeks. The women’s skin was exposed to UV light at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Scientists discovered that the tomato diet boosted skin’s levels of procollagen, which keeps skin firm and youthful-looking. The participants also were found to have 33% more protection against sunburn following the diet.
The antioxidant lycopene—the natural pigment that makes tomatoes red—was behind the benefit. Lycopene is at its highest level in tomatoes that are cooked and because tomato paste contains a high concentration of cooked tomatoes, it is an ideal source of this antioxidant.
If you want one extra tool to help prevent signs of aging and sunburn, adding cooked tomatoes to your diet can help give your skin a winning glow for the holidays and beyond.
Happy Turkey Day!