Say “YES” to great looking skin!

dermrf-june-ecard-1While you might not be able to pick the bridesmaid dress you wear to your best friend’s wedding, you do have control over how your skin will look as you stand in the receiving line.

You can say “yes” to great-looking skin by addressing your primary skin concerns with a targeted skincare routine that is clinically proven to restore a healthy, clear, even-toned complexion. As you embark on your journey to great skin, remember, your skin condition didn’t happen overnight. It will take time to see results.
Stay consistent and track your progress. Don’t zoom in on flaws. Instead, focus on what you love about your complexion—and the progress you are making. Feeling good about the reflection you see in the mirror and your progress will go a long way toward positively affecting the outcome.

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Fact or Myth? Your Skin Can Speak To You…

without making a soundWithout making a sound, your skin says a lot about you.

Across all cultures, clear, radiant skin is viewed as a reflection of health and well-being. This perceived connection between appearance and health means that your skin is one of your best—or worst—marketing tools, sending a message to every person you meet.

When skin concerns go unaddressed, your skin can become an unreliable source, providing faulty information and mixed messages to the outside world.triage 1
For instance, if your complexion appears flushed or blotchy, it could lead people to mistakenly assume that you are drinking too much alcohol. If you have visible lip lines, people may believe you are a smoker. If you have frown lines etched between your eyebrows, you could give the impression of being angry or sad, when you’re actually feeling just the opposite.

Fortunately, uncrossing the signals is easier than you may think. It all boils down to understanding your unique skin concerns and responding accordingly. The biggest mistake most people make is not addressing the most significant issues first. We call this “triaging”—prioritizing issues in order to treat the most urgent problem first. For example, if you have sensitive skin but focus on treating lines and wrinkles first, you’ll never be happy with the results. And what’s more, focusing on aging before getting redness under control will only further inflame the sensitivity you already have.

confidentWhether your skin concerns are related to aging, sun damage, blemishes or sensitivity, by making wise daily choices, you can set the record straight and feel confident in your skin. Today and always. Rodan+Fields – The best recommended skincare without a doctors appointment. 

Keep Your Jetsetting Skin Looking It’s Best!

jetset 2Reese Witherspoon, Cameron Diaz and other Hollywood leading ladies have recently been jetting off for some bonding time with their gal pals.

Before you fly away with your besties, tune into this special road trip edition of Skinpact News, “Hollywood Girls Getaway,” to learn from Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields how a change in environment can affect your skin and what you can do to keep your complexion looking its best, no matter where you’re traveling.

Necks are a serious beauty challenge…

dec2If your fashion choices tend toward plunging v-necks or sweeping scoops, that’s one more reason why the chin is not the limit when it comes to your skincare routine. While your neck and chest may not stare back at you from your bathroom mirror, the rest of the world often notices the total package, especially when guessing your age.

As you head to the bathroom tomorrow, remember your décolletage deserves the same care and consistency as your face. With fewer oil glands then elsewhere in the body, they get dry and loose sooner than our faces. Always extend your skincare down past your face to your neck and chest daily.dec-1

A good rule of thumb is that if the sun sees it, your skincare regimen should, too.

People are so much concerned about their face. But what they often neglect is the portion of their body next to face. Even a wrinkle free face looks awkward with a neck bearing numerous wrinkles. So it is essential to maintain a certain kind of beauty regime for the neck. People don’t pay much attention to the neck until fine lines start coming out on the neck. In some cultures – France, for instance – the décolletage area is treated with as much care and TLC as a women’s face. And it shows!

Some helpful tips:

1. Cleanse your neck as thoroughly at night as you do your face, and clean with a warm, wet wash cloth in the morning.
2. Every time you apply a moisturizer or sun screen to your face, include your neck and chest area. And every time you apply a moisturizer, sweep it upwards to the jaw line.
3. Always use upward strokes when applying – it really does make a difference!

For more information on the best skincare contact me:


Paradox of Sunscreen: A false sense of security in the sun that can really burn you…

Sunscreen-ProductsThe phenomenon known as the “paradox of sunscreen” pertains specifically to UVA light. In spite of the wide­spread use of sunscreen over the past 30 years, photoaging and skin cancer rates have continued to rise. If sunscreens were effectively protecting us, this would not be the case.

The reason this phenomenon exists is the false sense of security people often get from using sunscreen. While a high-SPF sunscreen might prevent a UVB-induced sunburn, it doesn’t necessarily offer the same protection when it comes to UVA rays. So, thanks to a product with an SPF 30, you might have spent three to four times longer in the sun, believing you were protected. However, if your sunscreen blocked mainly UVB light and, to a much lesser extent, UVA light, you could easily have been exposed to three to four times more UVA light. Because UVA light is present in one-hundred-fold greater amounts in the environment than UVB light, the profound damage that is associated with UVA, such as premature aging and melanoma, has been on the rise.

Fortunately, new sunscreen rules are designed to address the paradox of sunscreen with a new efficacy testing for “broad-spectrum” label claims. As of December 2012, in order for a sunscreen to claim broad-spectrum activity, it must demonstrate effective UVA protection in proportion to its SPF claim. If a sunscreen does not pass the broad-spectrum test, it is required to bear a warning that reads, “Skin cancer/skin aging alert: Spending time in the sun increases your risk of skin cancer and early skin aging. This product has been shown only to help prevent sunburn, not skin cancer or early aging.”

Keep in mind that even with the best SPF you still need to be sun smart. That means generously reapplying sunscreen throughout the day and seeking shade as often as you can when you are outdoors.

Be smart and use Rodan+Fields sunscreens…we’ve got you covered! (click on the image below)


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