Fact or Myth? Wearing makeup to the gym can make skin better…

sweating it offIf you’ve sweated it out at the gym with a little foundation, you’re not alone. A recent British study found that more than 65 percent of women wear makeup to work out. And we get it. You might not have enough time to wash off your makeup before you jet to Zumba after work, or maybe you just want to look your best in your a.m. spin class, but unfortunately, wearing makeup to the gym can make skin worse.

It’s a classic Catch-22: The more makeup you wear to the gym, the greater risk you have for clogged pores, blackheads and breakouts, which means the more likely you are to need makeup for your next gym session. And while normally a good idea, even non-comedogenic products aren’t guaranteed to keep you in the clear. These product claims only stand true under the conditions under which these products are tested, and don’t take into account the moisture, heat, salt and repeated wipe-downs with a rough hand towel that happen at the gym.

If you’re working out in the morning, cleanse your face, but avoid any heavy products that will smear and sweat off. If you’re working out after a day of wearing makeup and can’t fully wash your face beforehand, wipe your face with an eye cloth as soon as possible after exercising, then wash and treat skin as you normally would. If a little coverage while you sweat is non-negotiable, try mineral peptides, which are more breathable and even offer sunscreen protection if you’re exercising outdoors or near a window.

In the long run, intelligent, daily skincare is the path to looking your best both in and out of the gym.





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Fact or Myth? Soap Bubbles Clean Your Face Better…

The Doctors hate to burst any bubbles, but it turns out that while foaming soaps and cleaners may be fun, they wreak some serious skin havoc. Tune in to the latest webisode of Skinpact News, “Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble,” to learn from Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields why it’s best to skip the suds.

For more information on how you can partner with us, contact me through the form below.

Do Whiter Teeth Really Brighten Your Appearance? You Be The Judge…

Even George knows that a brighter whiter smile can light up a room! 


Darker skin and whiter teeth are a great way to instantly improve your appearance at every age. So, whether you’re standing at the altar or in the audience, get ready to be seen by using a sunless tanner and finding an at-home teeth bleaching kit you can use leading up to the event. Within a few applications you’ll be radiant, glowing and ready for the big celebration.



Shoulders up…your skin and your smile are your most valuable piece of real estate…a little whitening and the right skincare will go a long way.


Make taking of yourself a first-class priority!


Who Is That Man In The Mirror?

More and more men are setting a skincare trend by taking care of their skin like never before.

Over the last decade or so, men are growing just as concerned about skin and hygiene. More guys take pride in their appearance and have a genuine interest as to what is available to them. And, more importantly, they will spend just as much money. I am approached by an increasing number of men who are more concerned than women about how they look. 

Even if they indirectly ask me, “What can you do for this face?”  It’s easy to see that they are indirectly hinting to me that they desperately need help.

Men, if you want that piece of real estate above your shoulders to have the best A Game going on around the Board Room table, then take a minute to listen to what Nurse Mary has to say about you!

Skincare. Not just for women anymore…

man in the mirror

Don’t be fooled…


Men care about their skin too…


Feel good by looking better!

Is It His Daughter? Or Is It His Girlfriend?

OK all you Single Ladies…here is a question for you!older man younger women
Is it his daughter?
No, it’s his girlfriend!

How many of us have had our men go hunting after that younger woman, only to leave us in a heap of tears and rubble? And if you are that younger woman reading this…know that all is fair in love and skincare!

Now, single ladies, it’s our time to speak up and stand up by looking better than we ever have before.
Our products can help you have better, younger looking skin without that “I just ran through the wind tunnel plastic Barbie look!”

So get your Sizzle and Sass back on for the summer and keep
him wondering who your younger man is! Imagine how good that will feel!
Oh, and by the way, Pops…we can help you look more hip, too!

Don’t wait and wish you would have…make that appointment with me today and find out how you can make him wish he ‘didn’t’ and look and feel your best! Always!


The Big O

Contact me for more information. Business opportunities also available.