The Power Of Hydration

The Power Of Hydration


*There’s a lot to love about winter, but dry, flaky skin is probably not at the top of your list. This season, give skin a hydration boost with 3D3P, an innovative molecular matrix developed by researchers at Rodan + Field’s Berkeley lab. The 3D3P Molecular Matrix might sound complicated — and the science behind it is impressive — but what it does for your skin is actually easy to understand.


The Science

The 3D3P Molecular Matrix is a three-dimensional (3D) grid we created out of special molecules called polymers (3P). The matrix helps hold moisture-attracting ingredients against the skin.

Those key ingredients are glycerin and hyaluronic acid, powerful humectants (aka water magnets) and two of the best water binders on the market. (Hyaluronic Acid can hold 1000 times its own weight in water!) Together, they help nourish and replenish dry skin.

The Results

In simpler terms, 3D3P provides skin with a continuous drink of water and instant hydration and relief — just what you need when facing cold winter weather. Both Active Hydration Serum and Active Hydration Bright Eye Complex are powered by 3D3P, making them an effective one-two punch in the battle against dry skin.


The Science

Active Hydration Serum, which you may apply before moisturizer and makeup in the morning and again on clean skin at night, instantly raises skin’s hydration level by 200% after just one use and keeps it there for eight hours.* It helps skin look, act and feel younger, as Dr. Tim Falla, PhD, reminds us in his video Tim Talks in the Lab: The Science Behind Active Hydration Serum.

The Results

Designed for all skin types, Active Hydration Serum provides immediate and continuous hydration for smooth, soft, radiant-looking skin.


The Science

Designed specifically for the delicate eye area, Active Hydration Bright Eye Complex addresses dehydration and much, much more. It’s packed with the hydrating 3D3P Molecular Matrix and is also supercharged with a complex of phytonutrients and illuminating brighteners that help nourish and refresh the under-eye area. For more details on this revolutionary eye gel cream, watch Dr. Tim’s video Tim Talks in the Lab: The Science Behind Bright Eye Complex

The Results

Meant to be applied morning and night, Active Hydration Bright Eye Complex improves the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and dullness around your eyes.

While Active Hydration Bright Eye Complex and Active Hydration Serum are especially beneficial during the winter when your face and eye areas are braving the elements, they should be an essential part of your skincare routine year-round. Stress, sleep deprivation, hormonal changes, the environment and other factors can affect your skin’s appearance 365 days a year.

Keep your skin hydrated this winter — and beyond — with Active Hydration Serum and Active Hydration Bright Eye Complex.

*Based on an 8-day US clinical study.

Note: Active Hydration Serum is currently available in the United States and Canada only. 

PM me for the best options to suit your budget 🙂

*information taken from Derm RF.

The Power Of Hydration

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This Woman Was Skeptical Too!

This Woman Was Skeptical Too!


Wondering if you should give this a try?

Some people hesitate and ask questions until they’re ready. Others like me, jump right in!
What I learned is that these products ARE different. Now I’m foundation free with clear beautiful skin. This can happen for you too!

Read Theresa’s story, who was skeptical, too.

“I quit my previous 30+ year habit with my previous premium pricey skincare 3 1/2 years ago…
What do you think? Did I make the right choice?

Being truthful, I was skeptical. The 60-day guarantee with got me started, but I fully anticipated that I’d be returning it. But with the results that I started seeing, I stuck with it! Today, I am so thankful that I’m washing my face with #1 skincare product available…..because I’m proof that it works!!!”

I know she made a great choice. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Commitment and dedication to taking good care (not just a quick fix in office treatment) of your skin will add years of happy skin to your life!

Are YOU ready to age more gracefully and reverse the signs of aging (wrinkles), hydrate your skin to prevent (wrinkles)?, minimize sun damage (brown spots), kill bacteria (acne)?

?I’m so happy that I trusted the journey!

I’m confident you will too! It’s a new year…why not?

Check out your options here and then send me a message to learn how you can save more!


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One Take and That’s  Almost a Wrap!

One Take and That’s Almost a Wrap!

One Take and That’s Almost a Wrap…

Why not look at all the things you’ve accomplished this year instead of all the things you didn’t get done. What a brilliant concept!
Celebrating your success is a confidence-building practice to create positive results for the future. Appreciate even your failures because mistakes are an important part of our journey. Embrace the courage it took to take action and learn from the outcome. 

As we wrap up 2017 and catapult quickly into 2018, let’s take  time to reopen the book on the year in review and celebrate all the things we accomplished over the year. List the goals you achieved, the smiles you planted, and the glitter you left behind and don’t overlook the subtle things.

Make it fun: Invite a friend or business partner to participate and celebrate all you both have gotten done this year. Pop some popcorn, pour a glass of wine or bubbly, and make it a celebration!

Places to remind you of your achievements:

  1.  Look at your past appointment calendar for the year
  2.  New products and services you launched
  3.  Social media campaigns launched
  4.  Marketing campaigns
  5.  New customers and business partners
  6.  Increased sales
  7.  Book outline done
  8.  Blog posts or newsletters published
  9.  Events you hosted
  10. Vision board
  11. Credit card statements or checkbook.

Your spending will remind you of ways you invested in yourself and your business:

  • Classes taken
  • Trips with family to create memories
  • Books read
  • New technology you implemented to improve your business
  • Client lunches and client appreciation gifts
  •  Networking events to grow your visibility
  • 1-1 coffee dates to nurture your key business relationships
  • Gym membership, yoga lessons and other ways you stay healthy
  • The time you spent with family and friends
  • New things skills you learned or talents developed

Studies show that we women tend to downplay our achievements! Don’t overlook the things that have been easy. Play up all the things you did this year for yourself and for others. Pat yourself on the back for everything you’ve accomplished! I think you will discover it’s been a better year than you remembered. Take that discovery into your business planning and 2018 will also be a year of profound growth and accomplishments. Be smart with your time, commit to your priorities, invest in you and your goals, and eliminate distractions.  Make sure on New Year’s Eve when you say, “It’s a Wrap” on 2017 that you are celebrating everything good and everything positive with a thankful and grateful heart for a year well done and a new and improved you!

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What I Learned From My Inner Child.


Love your neighbor as yourself.  A very familiar command. It’s obvious that so many people get discouraged and frustrated learning to love friends and family let alone trying to love themselves. My belief is that you must first love your self unconditionally before you can truly love someone else.  A huge life epiphany was when I discovered that to find my own true happiness,  I needed to find my way back to loving myself first. I am my humble priority. When I am in love with myself, my world is at peace.

With this discovery, I found that I had to look deeper inside. What I saw was that my inner world had separated from its core self.  My inner child no longer connected with my middle and adult self. And with the separation along came all the negativity, lack of confidence, lack of self-worth, and loss of hope. It started at the disconnect. re: Joseph Campbell and The Heroes Journey (separation, initiation, return)

The flood of advice we get about love includes my favorite…embrace and love your inner child. Great advice. However, what if there was much more to it than that? What if your inner child is the eternally wise all-knowing one within and not the smart adult self that you think you are? What if your inner child is the ‘perfect you’ before life began to happen? What if your inner child is the one who knows that there are no boundaries and every dream is possible beyond the wildest imagination? What if that little person inside remembers everything you are here for?  What if your inner child is waiting for your return? Be still and listen. What if that child is standing in the fountain of true wisdom?  What if your child holds the KEY to unconditional love and everything you need to know?

This is a new way to look at embracing your inner child. Think about it this way.  A long time ago, in another dimension known as childhood, is a place where our child is keenly aware of who we are and why we are here. However,  with the first ‘NO’ we hear, the first slap on the hand we feel, the first time we come face to face with a bully, and with the first teardrop of anger and disappointment, we began to forget everything we knew.

And on it goes. The older we grow, the more life’s dirty laundry continues to bury us. It gets harder and harder to remember who we are and what we came here to do.  Our parents, our playmates, the television, magazines, and pop culture begin to weave a story that’s not our own. We are bombarded with the proselytizing mainstream narrative about what we should think and who we should be.  Before we know it we are blind to our purpose and birthright. And then one frustrating day we wake up, look in the mirror and we no longer know who we are anymore. We barely recognize ourselves.

Then in our quest for self-discovery, we find ourselves knee-deep in self-help, drugs, medication, illnesses, depression, mental illnesses, apathy, going along with the crowd,  all the ‘isms’.  We aren’t even aware that we’re thinking someone else’s thoughts.  Original thoughts are rare.  ‘Who am I’ is the eternally unanswered question.

However, there is hope. Know this. Your inner child is waiting to be rediscovered by the adult you.  Not in the way we’ve  been taught to think and not as the adult speaking to the child. But as the child speaking to the adult.

After years of disconnect,  we’ve been separated into three parts.  These three parts of you must come back together as one. The three parts of you are this…

  1. Your ‘young‘ inner child, the one before the ‘knowing that you didn’t know’ began. The innocent you
  2. The ‘middle‘ inner child, the one that experienced all of the things that caused the separation from yourself. Trauma/Drama
  3. The now ‘adult‘ you that is trying to figure it all out.

This is the Trinity of you. These three parts must become whole and connected again. You must become ONE with yourself in order for you to find your way back to the Garden of Self.

7 Things You Need to Know to Get Started:

  1. Sit quietly in meditation and prayer and listen to what your inner child has to say to the present you
  2. See your present self from the inner child’s perspective (inside out or from the past forward) to the present you
  3.  Listen to what your child has to share with you
  4. Know that your inner child loves you unconditionally and let your child tell you what you need to know about your journey
  5. Your inner child knows exactly what you had to go through to get you to where you are today.
  6. Your inner child has all of the answers
  7. Listen closely to hear your inner child tell you how proud they are of you

Again, be still, listen for your child’s voice, make friends again, and trust the journey back. What did you dream about as a child? What did you love to do? What were your favorite stories? Let your child remind you 🙂 that real truth and ageless wisdom are found in this paradox.

This Trinity or tri-reality is as real and alive as your breath and they all exist together in parallel dimensions. The beginning, the middle and the present.

This is the primordial secret to raising ourselves the right way. As long as we plug back into our real self, everything will become more clear. What we want is what we were born for. When we master that which is within, we can then master that which is without. As above, so below. As within, so without.

And so the journey goes…love your self unconditionally. This is where the wellspring of all love lives. It begins with you.  This is the way back way back to an unconditional love of self!! Our mission is to return to our inner child where love and light, innocence and unconditional love live. Heaven on earth, eternal truth, wisdom, confidence, and unconditional love are found right here!

You truly had the power all along!  Let the healing begin!